
With financial capital, when we spend too much we run up a debt, which if left unchecked can eventually result in bankruptcy. With natural capital, when we draw down too much stock from our natural environment we also run up a debt which needs to be paid back. If the stock of natural resources is at risk then our organisations are at risk and ultimately the planet and our human well- being is at risk. Hence, poorly managed natural capital becomes not only an ecological liability but a social and economic liability too.

Our ultimate goal is to improve biodiversity and human well-being by informing, advising & motivating organisations towards greater and more cost-effective investments in both.


Naturalogic, together with its partners, is helping companies, investors, governments, academics and opinion leaders to understand the economic consequences of natural capital impact and dependency. We aim to identify natural capital dependency across organisations, products, supply chains and investments and to manage risks from increasing environmental costs to ultimately build more sustainable business models and brands.

We aim to integrate the real cost to society and the values of nature into all major decisions affecting the environment and human well-being.

Key to our approach is that we not only quantify natural capital dependency, we also put a value on it, helping our clients understand environmental risk, in environmental but also business terms.

Correctly valuing natural capital will accelerate the transition towards a more responsible & sustainable world where products and services will internalise the true cost of the environmental impact to society.

We regularily use the following phrases to convince our future clients. Think about this:

“Privatising profits is good for entrepreneurship, privatising the impacts is good for sustainable development…if we privatise the profits, why not privatise the impacts?”

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Our team of experienced environmental advisors has been trained by Trucost to propose the same level of natural capital services.

Eric Dierckx

Eric Dierckx
Managing Director

Eric has 9 years experience in an international consultancy firm (EY) where he spent the first 3 years scrutinizing profit and loss accounts as a financial analyst and the last 6 years focusing on various sustainability issues. He’s specialized in the implementation of sustainability strategies, the evaluation of environmental public policies, evaluating and improving environmental data collection processes. But also in supervising LCAs, providing assurance to multiple environmental key performance indicators, hence he has a profound insight on the challenges ahead and how to tackle them. A combination of financial and sustainability background at your service.



Antoine Geerinckx

Antoine is the founder & managing director of CO2logic, Belgium’s leading climate consultancy organisation. With over 10 years of experience as an environmental advisor Naturalogic is the ‘logic’ evolution in the quest to protecting our planet and safeguarding our natural habitat for us and for future generations. He believes that the right balance between economy and ecology is possible, To achieve this, organisations need to gain access to the right data and information to make better and more responsible decisions. He is on a mission to prove that the correct valuation of natural capital is a cornerstone for ensuring prosperity for all…



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With CO2logic as a partner, we benefit of more than 10 years experience in climate & environmental services. CO2logic will remain an important partner for the CO2 related impact assessments, CO2 reduction advisory and CO2 offsetting expertise. There are multiple synergies that will benefit our clients..



But it’s not all about CO2, it’s also about water, land use, pollutants and waste. It’s about which raw materials are used and where they are sourced, from energy and water to materials, minerals and agricultural products. And it’s about how those materials are extracted, processed and distributed.

In close collaboration with Trucost, the international leader in natural capital services, we aim to facilitate, open up and adapt natural capital services to Benelux organisations. Established in 2000, Trucost has a strong heritage in delivering innovative, data driven solutions to meet complex sustainability challenges.
